Thursday, 3 November 2011

Publication Plan

Title: Exit Music

Positioning statement: Music our way.

Price: £3.80
Frequency of publication: This will be monthly. Because all music magazines I have researched and that are successful are monthly.
Distribution: Newsagents, supermarkets and music shops (e.g HMV)

Rationale: The approach of this magazine is for the public, age range of 16 upwards who are interested in the Indie music genre. People who are interested in festivals, gigs and unknown artists also.

Style: Informal, because we can relate towards the readers and invite them in to the magazine content.

Regular content:
-Editors letter
-Top ten albums
-Top ten singles
-Fans forum
-Poster of the Month
-Fan Mail
-What were listening to

Feature content:

-Arctic Monkeys back with a bang
-New on the scene
-The Vaccines revel all
-Festival Reviews 
-Top 50 albums of 2011
-In the studio with The Kooks
-At home with Bombay Bicycle Club
-You Tube stars on the rise
-When will MGMT return?
-A weekend with the stars
-Gorillaz work non stop
-Elvis Costello, the man, the legend
-Guitar or bass?
-Nirvana Christmas number 1?
-Florence and the machine they're storming new album
-Radiohead tour 2012?
-Glee destroying Yeah Yeah Yeahs song
-New generation of Indie
-Unsigned Artists
-The return of a legend Ian Durie

Questonarrie: Pie Chart Analysis

This is a pie chart to show what gender the people are who
answered my questionnaire. It shows that more people are female
than male that have answered this questionnaire. This is mostly
down to the ratio of people I asked, and also this school being a
all girls school it is not very correct. But there is most answers that
I can work with.

This pie chart is to show how old the people are who
are answering my questionnaire. As you can see, the
bigger ratio is 16-20 year olds. This shows me that more
young people are interested in indie music then elder.

This is a pie chart to show what genre of music people
are interested in. Many people as you can see enjoy R&B
and Pop. But the biggest section is Indie music. This is
good, and will effect my research well as am creating
a Indie music magazine and as I can see the majority
of people who answered my questionnaire enjoy indie

The two above pie charts show me if people do enjoy Indie
music they have ticket yes. If not they have ticked no. Then
further if they have answered yes, they have told me who
they're favourite band of the Indie genre is. This is a very
open question, so many people have answered very
differently. But once again, we can clearly see the bigger
section is the band 'Arctic Monkeys' and this will work well
with my research as I can mention them in my magazine
and know the majority of people will like them

This is pie chart that you could only answer is answered 'yes'
to the question that asks, "Do you enjoy indie music'. After
replying who your favourite band is, I then further asked
what they're favourite song is, and I got a wide variety
response. But we can see, that the bigger sections are
'The Vaccines - Post break up sex' and 'Arctic Monkeys -
Bet that you look good on the dancefloor' the band Arctic
monkeys are mentioned once again in this question, so I
can see the public are very familiar with this band.

This is a pie chart to show if people buy music magazines
or not. By the results we can see that the majority of people
do purchase music magazines, this works out very well with
my research.

This pie chart carries on with the previous questions, and
I further ask how often they purchase music magazines.
I have given three options, and the majority of the people
have answered monthly. Most successful music magazines
out at the moment are monthly, so I can use this in my
initial ideas planning.

This pie chart show us what price people would like to pay for
a music magazine. This result is very mixed, £2 and £4 are
pretty much the same, so this give a variation. So I can work
out the median price, and use that for my own magazine.

This pie chart shows us what the public most enjoy in music
magazine. As we can see, the majority of the public enjoy
the interviews with the artists so this will work well as I
am producing a double page spread of the artist and using
an interview.