Arctic Monkeys. Back with a bang.
Sunday night I saw the Arctic Monkeys on their second night of their current UK tour presenting their fourth album, Suck It And See, and what a hell of a night! The 02 Arena can be an overwhelming place - but for these Northern boys, it seemed like an easy ride. Their set exploded with all their classic hits, Including ‘Teddy Picker’ and ‘Crying Lightning’ and the crowd had an outstanding energy.
With the back setting of the stage being very simple, just a plain red dim background with stage lights dangling from the ceiling. But, as you can tell the how the stage was presented was the last thing your eyes were on. Arctic Monkeys don’t need a big stage or glitter and strobe lights to put on a show. And what a show it was.
The opener was of course, Don't Sit Down Cause' I've Moved Your Chair; taken from their new album, which really set the night off well - a fantastic builder with the endearing Yorkshire accent of front man, Alex Turner. With a set of 21 songs, they echoed through each track, with each superb song setting the audience off. By the time the sixth song, Brainstorm was upon us, I’m sure some of the audience were gasping for water.
The classic crowd was there the indie teens, and hipsters, the lot with the floppy hair, but what really sets the Arctic Monkeys apart from other alternative rock bands, is the unique lyrics of Turner's song writing. Hearing those lines that you've grown so familiar to, with thousands of other people singing along, must be captivating. Lines you sing in your bedroom mirror like: "She don't do major credit cards, I doub't she does receipts. It's all not quite legitamate", are just pure gold. The wordplay and the gritty subject matters is everything the Arctic Monkeys are about.
Their new material was swallowed up well (As Turner says) by the audience, with big tracks like Hellcat Spangled Shalalala being proof that the band's move to America hasn't in any shape or form changed their British shine or Turner's ability to write outstanding lyrics. What was really clear tonight, was that all this talk of guitar and rock n’ roll music being dead is complete shit. The Arctic Monkeys manage to keep up the classic rock template, and bring it up to date, and at arenas like the London 02, the band couldn't be more in their element. Turner pulled the classic poses and standard rock front man routines, as he stood with his foot on the monitor, and fell to his knees to work his guitar Hendrix style. It's classic and I hope he never changes; Turner was every inch the showman.
Of course, the best song of the night for me -When The Sun Goes Down, provoked a riot. The crowd’s anticipation was amazing, then, as the song dropped, a full mosh pit broke out and things got hectic! Something I definitely didn't expect from Arctic Monkeys fans!
As their set came to a close, the band didn't forget about their responsibilities as music idols. Turner took to the microphone and warmly said: "Jimmy Savile rest in peace", before breaking into the encore, with the room shaking song ‘505’ truly one of the best songs they’ve made for me. Not one of their most famous of course, but when Turner breaks out in the song ‘But I crumble completely when you cry’ every devoted fan was chanting the lyrics. A spectacular night.
Monday, 5 December 2011
Friday, 2 December 2011
Article Research
Arctic Monkeys research
Rock and roll inspired this album (Alex turner - boys are back in town ‘boss’)
Describe themselves as a festival band, but enjoy doing both. Love gigs and club shows
Get that ‘buzz ‘after a show still
Enjoy playing suck it and see album ‘been swallowed well’
Describe humbug album as ‘out of the way’ they needed to get it out of they’re system
Personal subjects, ‘the spangled hellcat Shalala’
Year and a half on a world tour, not much personal time
Highlights – America
Record fans, Indie. Shop in Sheffield ‘Jacks’ buy records, The smiths
Staying out of trouble
Suck it and see, name came from Alex wrote a song. Going to call it ‘Thriller’ British sound
Table tennis, keep entertained on tour
Arcade fire beat Alex turner in table tennis
Small and big venues
Sweeter side, good foundation of songs, new sounds– album
Played house of blues – inspiring
Proud of first album, where they’ve got today, means something to the fans
The Smiths major influence
Thursday, 3 November 2011
Publication Plan
Title: Exit Music
Positioning statement: Music our way.
Price: £3.80
Rationale: The approach of this magazine is for the public, age range of 16 upwards who are interested in the Indie music genre. People who are interested in festivals, gigs and unknown artists also.
Style: Informal, because we can relate towards the readers and invite them in to the magazine content.
Regular content:
Positioning statement: Music our way.
Price: £3.80
Frequency of publication: This will be monthly. Because all music magazines I have researched and that are successful are monthly.
Distribution: Newsagents, supermarkets and music shops (e.g HMV)
Rationale: The approach of this magazine is for the public, age range of 16 upwards who are interested in the Indie music genre. People who are interested in festivals, gigs and unknown artists also.
Style: Informal, because we can relate towards the readers and invite them in to the magazine content.
Regular content:
-Editors letter
-Top ten albums
-Top ten singles
-Fans forum
-Poster of the Month
-Fan Mail
-What were listening to
Feature content:
-Arctic Monkeys back with a bang
-New on the scene
-The Vaccines revel all
-Festival Reviews
-Top 50 albums of 2011
-In the studio with The Kooks
-At home with Bombay Bicycle Club
-You Tube stars on the rise
-When will MGMT return?
-A weekend with the stars
-Gorillaz work non stop
-Elvis Costello, the man, the legend
-Guitar or bass?
-Nirvana Christmas number 1?
-Florence and the machine they're storming new album
-Radiohead tour 2012?
-Glee destroying Yeah Yeah Yeahs song
-New generation of Indie
-Unsigned Artists
-The return of a legend Ian Durie
-Top ten albums
-Top ten singles
-Fans forum
-Poster of the Month
-Fan Mail
-What were listening to
Feature content:
-Arctic Monkeys back with a bang
-New on the scene
-The Vaccines revel all
-Festival Reviews
-Top 50 albums of 2011
-In the studio with The Kooks
-At home with Bombay Bicycle Club
-You Tube stars on the rise
-When will MGMT return?
-A weekend with the stars
-Gorillaz work non stop
-Elvis Costello, the man, the legend
-Guitar or bass?
-Nirvana Christmas number 1?
-Florence and the machine they're storming new album
-Radiohead tour 2012?
-Glee destroying Yeah Yeah Yeahs song
-New generation of Indie
-Unsigned Artists
-The return of a legend Ian Durie
Questonarrie: Pie Chart Analysis
This is a pie chart to show what gender the people are who
answered my questionnaire. It shows that more people are female
than male that have answered this questionnaire. This is mostly
down to the ratio of people I asked, and also this school being a
all girls school it is not very correct. But there is most answers that
I can work with.
This pie chart is to show how old the people are who
are answering my questionnaire. As you can see, the
bigger ratio is 16-20 year olds. This shows me that more
young people are interested in indie music then elder.
This is a pie chart to show what genre of music people
are interested in. Many people as you can see enjoy R&B
and Pop. But the biggest section is Indie music. This is
good, and will effect my research well as am creating
a Indie music magazine and as I can see the majority
of people who answered my questionnaire enjoy indie
The two above pie charts show me if people do enjoy Indie
music they have ticket yes. If not they have ticked no. Then
further if they have answered yes, they have told me who
they're favourite band of the Indie genre is. This is a very
open question, so many people have answered very
differently. But once again, we can clearly see the bigger
section is the band 'Arctic Monkeys' and this will work well
with my research as I can mention them in my magazine
and know the majority of people will like them
This is pie chart that you could only answer is answered 'yes'
to the question that asks, "Do you enjoy indie music'. After
replying who your favourite band is, I then further asked
what they're favourite song is, and I got a wide variety
response. But we can see, that the bigger sections are
'The Vaccines - Post break up sex' and 'Arctic Monkeys -
Bet that you look good on the dancefloor' the band Arctic
monkeys are mentioned once again in this question, so I
can see the public are very familiar with this band.
This is a pie chart to show if people buy music magazines
or not. By the results we can see that the majority of people
do purchase music magazines, this works out very well with
my research.
This pie chart carries on with the previous questions, and
I further ask how often they purchase music magazines.
I have given three options, and the majority of the people
have answered monthly. Most successful music magazines
out at the moment are monthly, so I can use this in my
initial ideas planning.
This pie chart show us what price people would like to pay for
a music magazine. This result is very mixed, £2 and £4 are
pretty much the same, so this give a variation. So I can work
out the median price, and use that for my own magazine.
This pie chart shows us what the public most enjoy in music
magazine. As we can see, the majority of the public enjoy
the interviews with the artists so this will work well as I
am producing a double page spread of the artist and using
an interview.
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
- What gender are you?
- How old are you?
- What genre of music are you interested in?
- Do you enjot indie music?
- If you what is your favourite indie song
- Who is your favourite indie band?
- Do you buy music magazines?
- If yes, how often?
- What 3 images would you link with indie music?
- How much would you pay for a music magazine?
- Name 3 words that connote with indie
- Whats your favourite part of a magazine?
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Kerrang and NME Magazine
Kerrang and NME magazines are two of the most successful music magazines out in stores at the moment. I will be closely evaluating these magazines for my final magazine product because I can analyse each code and convention and interpret it for my own. Below is the link for the Kerrang which shows the statics of what gender buy the magazine more and what age range most of the readers are. And beneath that link is another link directing you to the NME statics website.
Monday, 17 October 2011
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
Saturday, 8 October 2011
Intial Ideas
For our AS Media level, we are producing our own music magazine. All our images will be taken ourselves. I've decided to make my magazine genre 'Indie' mainly because, most successful music magazines in the industry now are indie or rock, and to make it easier for myself to get an interview with a local band, there are many indie bands around locally. My genre is also based on magazines I'm interested in such as Q, NME and Mojo magazine, they are all mostly indie but Q is a mix which gives me a good insite on how I should represent my magazine I will produce. Most target audiences for indie magazines are quite youthful, e.g. 16-24 is an estimate, so I will most likely follow in their footsteps.
Research of the Market Place
Q Magazine
Price: £3.90
Frequency of publication: Monthly
Publisher: Bauer Media Group
First issue: October 1986
Addional information: After a few years as a radio jukebox, Q Radio launched in June 2008 as a full service radio station with a complete roster.
Kerrang! Magazine
Price: £2.20
Frequency of publication: Weekly
Publisher: Bauer Media Group
First issue: June 6 1981
Addional information: Since 1993, the magazine have been holding an annual awards ceremony to mark the most successful bands in the interests of their readers. The awards became one of Britain's most recognised award events
In 2000, EMAP launched Kerrang! as a digital radio station, across the United Kingdom. This was principally a 'jukebox' station, playing a back-to-back sequence of rock and alternative music
In 2001 EMAP launched Kerrang! TV. As with the radio station, the television channel covers the more mainstream side of the rock music as well as classic rock bands like
Price: £3.90
Frequency of publication: Monthly
Publisher: Bauer Media Group
First issue: October 1986
Addional information: After a few years as a radio jukebox, Q Radio launched in June 2008 as a full service radio station with a complete roster.
Kerrang! Magazine
Price: £2.20
Frequency of publication: Weekly
Publisher: Bauer Media Group
First issue: June 6 1981
Addional information: Since 1993, the magazine have been holding an annual awards ceremony to mark the most successful bands in the interests of their readers. The awards became one of Britain's most recognised award events
In 2000, EMAP launched Kerrang! as a digital radio station, across the United Kingdom. This was principally a 'jukebox' station, playing a back-to-back sequence of rock and alternative music
In 2001 EMAP launched Kerrang! TV. As with the radio station, the television channel covers the more mainstream side of the rock music as well as classic rock bands like
Friday, 7 October 2011
Evaluation of School Magazine
Our task was to produce and make a magazine for school. We had to make a font cover and then further a contents page, the front cover was created on Photoshop and the contents page on Quark Xpress. We started by going into pairs and taking pictures, these pictures had to have something to do with the headlines and sub headlines we have made up. For example, I talked about having an exclusive interview with our own school janitor Jeff, so I went out in lesson with a camera that the school had provided and took my own pictures. This gave us a feel for how an actual magazine would be made, and how you have to take your own pictures and them not be copyrighted.
After we completed this task we finally started to produce our front covers, I enjoyed this task because I'm used to Photoshop and know my way around it very easily. We had one 50 minute lesson to complete this. My magazine name is 'Weatherproof' and my positing statement is 'Don't let the weather get you down'. Whilst completing this task, we had to follow the codes and conventions of a magazine cover, but I did forget one or two things. Including, the issue number, date and price on the top left corner in the magazine, for my Music magazine I will produce later on in the year I will learn from my mistakes and make sure that I strictly follow these codes and conventions. My main cover line is 'How to handle Exam stress' so I asked a year 11 pupil to model for my front cover, the pupil looks distress and is making direct address towards the camera, this is essential to follows the codes and conventions because it attracts the attention of the reader and invites you in. Additionally, my front cover does not look very interesting because there is only 5 sub headlines, so it doesn't look like the magazine has much to offer, but as again I will remember this for my Music magazine I will be creating. The colour theme I chose is Pink and Navy, these are the schools main colours so this is easy for pupils in Weather head High School to recognise and relate, I have stuck to this through out my front cover. Also ,I have chose 1 font and this is constant in my magazine. I completed this task on 04/10/2011.
The following lesson I then further created my contents page on the programme Quark Xpress. I did not enjoy creating this as much as I did my front cover this is because, I am very familiar with Photoshop but this has been my first time using Quark so it was difficult to grasp and to work my way around it. The page numbers are in different colours, this is so it separates them from the normal text and so it stands out to reader and they understand and know where to go. I have also included the Weatherhead High School logo in the top left corner and underneath, the issue number and date, this is just a reference to readers. Again, I have been constant with my font type and have used the same one with all of my text. Although I have followed more codes and conventions I'm as happy with the final result as I am with my front cover. My front cover looks very more presentable and professional, however my contents page does not. I wish to gain more knowledge and have more practice with Quark in the future so my music magazine I will create will look very attractive and presentable.
In conclusion, I have followed most of the codes and conventions but the ones I have not and have forgotten I will make sure I include on my Music magazine I will be creating later in the school year, so my final piece will be up to my best ability.
Thursday, 6 October 2011
Contents Page
In today's lesson, as we finished our cover page we have then further completed our contents page for our school magazine. We again, sketched out a draft drawing of our contents page and then produced it on 'Quark Xpress' a programme like photoshop. This was harder to use than photoshop because I'm quite used to it, and have had previous experiences, but this was my first time using Quark so it took a little getting used to. So I am glad I've had practise before making my music magazine.
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
Tuesday, 4 October 2011
Front Cover School Magazine
In today's lesson we made our front cover for our school magazine on photoshop. We previously sketched out a draft drawing of our magazine and had it checked over by our teacher to make sure we included everything. Later, we then began to make it on photoshop whilst looking back at our drawing. We only had one 50 minute lesson to make this so we had to do this task quiet quickly. I've had previous experiences with photoshop, so i understand how to use it, and what tools to use for each task so this was quiet easy to grasp.
Here is the final 'Weatherhead magazine cover':
Here is the final 'Weatherhead magazine cover':
Monday, 3 October 2011
Sunday, 2 October 2011
Photos for school Magazine
In todays lesson we were given a camera between two and were sent away to take pictures for our front cover and contents page for out school magazine.
Saturday, 1 October 2011
Planning for Front Cover & Contents (School Mag)
Name: Weatherproof
Positing statement: "Don't let the weather get you down"
Colour Scheme: Navy and Pink
Font type: Ebrima
Main image: Girl in uniform - Looks distressed
Main Cover story: 'How to handle exam stress'
Sub headline stories: 'Trampoling clubs' 'Welcoming new year sevens to Weatherhead' 'Media takes over' and 'Jeff tells all'
Features: Letter from Mr. Dymnet, Library notices, Iris competitions and Horoscopes
Positing statement: "Don't let the weather get you down"
Colour Scheme: Navy and Pink
Font type: Ebrima
Main image: Girl in uniform - Looks distressed
Main Cover story: 'How to handle exam stress'
Sub headline stories: 'Trampoling clubs' 'Welcoming new year sevens to Weatherhead' 'Media takes over' and 'Jeff tells all'
Features: Letter from Mr. Dymnet, Library notices, Iris competitions and Horoscopes
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
Camera Shots
In the lesson we were put in pairs and given many different camera shots to go out and take photographs on our own camera to learn the each individual one, and get an understanding of them.
-Long shot, this means you can see the whole body top to bottom
-Big close-up, see the whole face-Medium long shot, see body from waist upwords
-Close-up, you can see whole face and part of shoulders.
-Very long shot is you can see the whole body plus floor and the full background.
-High angle shot, this is looking down on the person or object-Low angle, you see the image from looking upwords
-Two shot, this is two people in the image-Medium close up, you see whole face and full shoulders and chest
-Medium or mid shot, you can see waist upwords plus background-'Over the shoulder shot' ,name is pretty obvious, the image is taken over somebodys shoulder
-Tilted frame, you can see the image on an angle to the sideFriday, 23 September 2011
Codes and Conventions of Contents pages
In today's lesson we discussed the codes and conventions of single paged contents pages. Here is what we discovered:
-The majority of magazines have an 'editors letter' in each issue, this makes us get to know the person who writes the magazine and gives us an inside look.
-At the bottom of the contents page there will be a website so you can log on and receive more information.
-The titles of each story are in bold so it draws attention
-There are many different sized photographs on the contents page surrounding each different cover line.
-The page numbers by the cover lines are in different colours, this makes them stand out.
-There is also contact information on the contents page so that readers can get in touch if they have any queries
-The page number anchors the story towards the image, this helps us not get too confused about where everything is placed.
-The magazine title is always including on the contents page, this helps to re-inforce the brand.
- Usually in the top right/left corner the date and issue number will be placed.
-Font sizes throughout the contents page stay consistent, this is essential.
-Small writing is usually size 11, in New Times Roman font, because most readers are familiar to this font so it makes it easy to read.
The central image on the contents page relates to the main article on the front cover, and is usually the biggest image on the contents page.
-Features and Regulars are mentioned in the contents page every issue
-The majority of magazines have an 'editors letter' in each issue, this makes us get to know the person who writes the magazine and gives us an inside look.
-At the bottom of the contents page there will be a website so you can log on and receive more information.
-The titles of each story are in bold so it draws attention
-There are many different sized photographs on the contents page surrounding each different cover line.
-The page numbers by the cover lines are in different colours, this makes them stand out.
-There is also contact information on the contents page so that readers can get in touch if they have any queries
-The page number anchors the story towards the image, this helps us not get too confused about where everything is placed.
-The magazine title is always including on the contents page, this helps to re-inforce the brand.
- Usually in the top right/left corner the date and issue number will be placed.
-Font sizes throughout the contents page stay consistent, this is essential.
-Small writing is usually size 11, in New Times Roman font, because most readers are familiar to this font so it makes it easy to read.
The central image on the contents page relates to the main article on the front cover, and is usually the biggest image on the contents page.
-Features and Regulars are mentioned in the contents page every issue
Thursday, 22 September 2011
Codes and Conventions of the Front Cover

Colour schemes must be: -Simple -Colours mustn't clash -3/4 colours
-The colours that magazines choose, reinforce the brand for example; 'Kerrang' wouldn't use the colour pink because that does not suit the genre of music it represents.
-Same style of fonts use throughout the magazine is very essential.
-The text must not be to close to the image because this might cover this eyes of the central image and this image is very important to have direct address.
-There is also a limited range of fonts that magazines use, most popular for the inside articles is New Times Roman.
-Magazines usually have a plain background so this draws our attention to the information and central images.
-Main font for the magazine title must connote the style of magazine you represent.
-The body language of the central image of whoever if may be must suit the genre. For example; For a pop magazine the person would be very upbeat and happy because that represents their music, but say if it was for a rock magazine the person may be very serious which represents that style of music.
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