Our task was to produce and make a magazine for school. We had to make a font cover and then further a contents page, the front cover was created on Photoshop and the contents page on Quark Xpress. We started by going into pairs and taking pictures, these pictures had to have something to do with the headlines and sub headlines we have made up. For example, I talked about having an exclusive interview with our own school janitor Jeff, so I went out in lesson with a camera that the school had provided and took my own pictures. This gave us a feel for how an actual magazine would be made, and how you have to take your own pictures and them not be copyrighted.
After we completed this task we finally started to produce our front covers, I enjoyed this task because I'm used to Photoshop and know my way around it very easily. We had one 50 minute lesson to complete this. My magazine name is 'Weatherproof' and my positing statement is 'Don't let the weather get you down'. Whilst completing this task, we had to follow the codes and conventions of a magazine cover, but I did forget one or two things. Including, the issue number, date and price on the top left corner in the magazine, for my Music magazine I will produce later on in the year I will learn from my mistakes and make sure that I strictly follow these codes and conventions. My main cover line is 'How to handle Exam stress' so I asked a year 11 pupil to model for my front cover, the pupil looks distress and is making direct address towards the camera, this is essential to follows the codes and conventions because it attracts the attention of the reader and invites you in. Additionally, my front cover does not look very interesting because there is only 5 sub headlines, so it doesn't look like the magazine has much to offer, but as again I will remember this for my Music magazine I will be creating. The colour theme I chose is Pink and Navy, these are the schools main colours so this is easy for pupils in Weather head High School to recognise and relate, I have stuck to this through out my front cover. Also ,I have chose 1 font and this is constant in my magazine. I completed this task on 04/10/2011.
The following lesson I then further created my contents page on the programme Quark Xpress. I did not enjoy creating this as much as I did my front cover this is because, I am very familiar with Photoshop but this has been my first time using Quark so it was difficult to grasp and to work my way around it. The page numbers are in different colours, this is so it separates them from the normal text and so it stands out to reader and they understand and know where to go. I have also included the Weatherhead High School logo in the top left corner and underneath, the issue number and date, this is just a reference to readers. Again, I have been constant with my font type and have used the same one with all of my text. Although I have followed more codes and conventions I'm as happy with the final result as I am with my front cover. My front cover looks very more presentable and professional, however my contents page does not. I wish to gain more knowledge and have more practice with Quark in the future so my music magazine I will create will look very attractive and presentable.
In conclusion, I have followed most of the codes and conventions but the ones I have not and have forgotten I will make sure I include on my Music magazine I will be creating later in the school year, so my final piece will be up to my best ability.
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